Thursday, October 13, 2016


echo "Humility is a top quality"
echo ""
echo "No individual knows everything and there is a 100% chance that in the past and in the future, we have/will said/say something wrong, incorrect, or abrasive to someone else. In this moment, remember humility."
echo ""
echo "It is OK to be wrong and make mistakes both professionally and personally and in fact, we can use them to our advantage when we admit that we were wrong. As Dale Carnegie says in his book, 'If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically'."
echo ""
echo "For some reason, some people refuse to admit they were wrong. They refuse to admit they are wrong about reports, wages, resumes, and big and small decisions alike. In my experience, the damage comes from hiding, re-framing, or ignoring mistakes; the damage does not come exclusively from making mistakes."
echo ""
echo "You should always strive to be better, make fewer mistakes, and accept responsibility for the mistakes you do make. No matter which mistakes you make, admit you were wrong and be better in the future."
echo ""
echo "Embrace your humility and accept responsibility for your mistakes and definitely your successes!"
echo ""
echo "Try using this tactic this week and let me know how it goes by commenting on this post, or sending me a tweet @anorblet"
echo ""
echo "Check out more posts at! Hack Responsibly, Hack Professionally"

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